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COVID-19 Support, Resources Help Buttercrumble COVID-19 Support, Resources Help Buttercrumble

One Hot Potato: Marketing Your Brand During a Recession

The COVID-19 pandemic has stirred up a real hornet's nest for the lives of many. It has caused many of us to down tools so we can take care of our families and selves. However, as business resumes, marketing may be overlooked as other activities take precedence. After all, customer service, human resources, budgeting and sales need to be taken care of. Yet, it’s important we don’t pass on this hot potato: marketing.

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COVID-19 Support Buttercrumble COVID-19 Support Buttercrumble

Here's Why a Physical Studio or Office Space is Still Important

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has changed. Many of us are working in silos, remotely, and away from our colleagues. However, this is hardly revolutionary for the creative industry! We are a hotchpotch of freelancers, collectives and agencies — flexible working is part of our DNA.

In this digital world, why is having a physical space still important?

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Resources Help, COVID-19 Support, Trend Resource Buttercrumble Resources Help, COVID-19 Support, Trend Resource Buttercrumble

Three Marketing Activities to Boost your Brand during the Coronavirus Pandemic

How can you be resilient with your marketing activity during the pandemic?

We have all had to adapt in some way recently. But, you can count on one thing; the dedication of business owners to see out this storm together. That spirit is resilience and it’s the lifeblood of successful brands.

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Resources Help, COVID-19 Support, Trend Resource Buttercrumble Resources Help, COVID-19 Support, Trend Resource Buttercrumble

How to Prepare for New Branding and Marketing Trends Following the Pandemic

It's time to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, rather than the darkness that surrounds you. We will overcome this time of isolation and feel invigorated by the victory. As a society, we will have adapted and innovated. We want to reveal how you can use this shift in consumer mindsets to your advantage.

As we prepare for the light at the end of the tunnel, how can you nurture a cosy environment (digital or physical) for your brand?

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