Make your brand matter.

Buttercrumble is a design firm focused on delivering results for our partners. We achieve this through trend forecasts, branding, and graphic design which places audiences at the center of creative solutions. We have strong connections in New York, so you can count on us to be at the center of global innovation.

Wait! Buttercrumble?!

That’s a funny name!

Well, you remember your granny’s cobbler? Sweet, perfectly spiced, with that peachy tang! That’s just like our design, and cobbler is the closest thing to our British crumble. Yes, we are British-born, but lovers of Americana. So much so, that one of us (Chloe) even married a fella from Atlanta. 


At your service

How may we help you? We can perform the following activities to bring your story to life:

Hello, partner!

Unlike other branding agencies, we recognize ourselves as partners — not suppliers. We support family-focused and community-sensitive brands through playful problem solving. We’re delighted to have offered creative consultancy and activation for the following organizations across the United States and the United Kingdom:


John Lewis & Partners

Allied London

Mini First Aid



Let’s Plate

UK Coaching

Libraries Connected

Royal Armouries

University of Edinburgh

Grosvenor Group

…And many more! Are you ready to grow your business too?



Why partner with us?

We are the top design firm to help you reduce risk, bolster loyalty, secure funding, increase footfall, build communities, transform mindsets, increase brand value, engage new audiences, and convert traffic to sales.