How to Design a Thoughtful Brand

Deserted, disconnected and discontent. Consumers are facing these feelings in their everyday lives, and it's no wonder! Technology has taken over and we're losing the human-element in our interactions. Let's combat this with the power of positivity and engagement. Remember, actions speak louder than words.

In No One We Trust

We know how helpful technology can be. Moreover, it's now difficult to imagine life without our mobile phones and smart home devices! Yet, at times, it can be alienating. We need to nurture a personal touch.

Moreover, with the rise of phenomenons like "fake news" and conflicting information, consumers are exceedingly wary. It can be difficult to gain trust and therefore, custom or trade. It's vital that we support socially-conscious, stressed and mistrustful consumers. Let's rebuild trust by adopting a kindhearted spirit and showing genuine care.

These turbulent times mean that brands have the opportunity to create meaningful gestures which can build trust and relationships. In fact, Customers with an emotional connection to a retailer spend significantly more, according to a 2018 study from predictive intelligence company, Motista.


Embrace Physical Touch-points

Retailers are increasingly extending trust and spreading kindness with thoughtful and considerate strategies that drive deeper connections with consumers. How can you embed thoughtfulness into your brand? You need to nurture a personal touch. Here are ten physical touch-points you can consider:

  1. Shop, Studio or Office Space

  2. Welcome Pack (Mailer)

  3. Intimate Workshop or Seminar

  4. Interactive Demonstrations

  5. Free Samples or Tasters

  6. Brochures or Lookbooks

  7. Trade Shows or Exhibitions

  8. Thank You Notes

  9. Well-Presented Packaging

  10. Personal Meetings and Consultations

Which small gestures can you implement or improve upon? For example, retail stores can create spacious environments with room to shop (and breathe). Even if your business operates virtually, it's still possible to create a physical interaction with customers through touch-points such as thoughtful mail. Avoid keeping your business solely online at the risk of distancing your customer base.

Communicate with Kindness

Now you've considered a few physical touch-points, it's time to realise them in the best possible way! You can become a "thoughtful" brand, if you operate with kindness and empathy. You can even encourage consumers to embrace a thoughtful approach in their own lives. This will increase brand awareness in a positive light.

People do business with people, so make the most of your team! Ensure staff are friendly and informed. Across your communications, use comments that a best friend would make. By being kindhearted, you can bridge the gap between brand customer. The bridge needs to be human.

Always remember: trust operates two-ways. By showing customers that you trust them, they can reciprocate. Think about "buy now, pay later" or staged payment initiatives, as these can build rapport. Where possible, contemplate random giveaways or free gift to create positive surprises. When you give generously, you delight customers and build belief.

Overall, by implementing small and meaningful acts, you can gain a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace. Interactions help your brand become memorable, which can lead to repeat custom over time. Be a thoughtful brand.

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