Year of the Rat: Meaning in Design
China has recently celebrated their Lunar New Year and for 2020, we celebrate the Year of the Rat. However, what does this really mean? The Rat (and all zodiac animals) are metaphors in order to tell a richer story. Symbolism in design is important as images are simply vehicles of message and meaning. It’s up to us, the audience, to decode.
The Confusion Between Signs and Symbols
Is it a sign? Is it a symbol? Well, a symbol is a conventional representation of an object, function, or process. Whereas a sign has limited room for interpretation (such as a number or word). Both can convey meaning, which leads us to the science of semiotics. This is an important part of design!
What is the Science of Semiotics?
Imagery is a rich source of semiotic meaning, so can be complex to analyse. Semiology is the general science of signs (concrete vehicles of communication). It is a theory proposed in the early 1900s by a Swiss professor of linguistics, Saussure and American philosopher, Peirce. Both were concerned with the theory of how a sign sends a message which we can understand and how the meaning of that sign is formed. Saussure’s model consisted of the following:
Signifier: the word (image)
Signified: the meaning (factual or personal associations)
When discussing the signified, it may be denotative or connotative. Denotations are the factual meanings of a sign, whereas connotations are more personal associations of the sign. Personal associations can draw more emotion from your audience.
For this blog post, we’re focussing on the rat as the signifier!
Illustration by Buttercrumble
Year of the Rat: What’s Signified?
The Rat is an interesting symbol as its the first amongst all zodiac animals. According to myth, this was decided by the order that all animals arrived at a party, hosted by the Jade Emperor. The sneaky Rat decided to hitch a ride with the Ox (who had size on his side). Just as Rat and Ox arrived at the party, the rodent jumped ahead, landing first.
With this in mind, what are the connotations of the Rat?
Wealthy and successful
Clever and astute
Abundance and fertility
Motivated and determined
Forward-thinking and refreshing
Why is Context Important?
Context is valuable as the meaning of an image alters to what one sees around it and their existing cultural associations. This is why, as designers, we must be careful to ensure our intended message is understand. For those outside of the appropriate audience (such as a different culture) the illustration or graphic may appear pointless. For example, in Christianity, the rat is a herald of evil and seen as a liar. This is a different meaning to the Chinese zodiac, so it’s important to understand your audience.
What does the symbol of the rat mean to you?