Kvinde: Catching Up

Last year it was amazing to work with our friend, Amy, creator of the Kvinde Zine. Kvinde is the Danish word for 'woman', which is exactly what the zine celebrates. A few months on and Amy is now enjoying motherhood (with her beautiful daughter, Evie) and planning her next zine. It's such an exciting time! We decided to catch up with Amy to hear more about her ideas...

  1. What does creativity mean to you?

    To me, creativity means livelihood. The creative industry is so vast, with so many facets, I can't contemplate working in any other sector. And, through Kvinde, I've been able to meet people who have truly made their creative passion their life, the thing that supports them be it part time or entirely, and that feels like something really special. The world would be very plain if people didn't take that leap, and make their creative talents their livelihood!
  2. What do you love about running Kvinde?

    Easily, the thing I love most is getting to know all the creative, brilliant women we work with. Whether we're collaborating with writers, photographers and designers, or interviewing someone that's creative in a different way, the vast majority of women we've spoken to over the past two years truly do love doing what they do - and that's so inspiring to see!
  3. What can we expect to see from Kvinde in the next year?

    So, we've got some big changes and plans afoot! We're taking Kvinde offline for the most part (though we'll still be on Instagram!), and working on our second zine. We've got a whole bunch of amazing people already involved (though there's still some space if anyone else would like to join the party!), and will once again be raising money for an incredibly worthy cause. This time, we're looking at a plethora of things surrounding the theme of food.

So do you have a penchant for food? We'd suggest you're crazy if you don't! If you're interested in submitting a foodie piece for the next zine, then please do say hello to Amy. I'm sure she'd love to hear your suggestions.

Below is the illustration we created last year for the first zine. It's fun, quirky and celebrates women. What is your favourite song from the Kvinde mixtape?

If you'd like to keep up to date with what Buttercrumble is up to next, please join the Buttercrumble grapevine and you'll always be in the loop.


Bubble London: Summer 2017


LIF17: The Delicious Draw at House of Koko