Boosting sales for pushchairs

The brief

Project Aim: Increase sales of Mamas & Papas pushchairs amongst different target audiences by communicating the unique benefits of each range.

Mamas & Papas is one of the UK’s best-loved nursery brands, renowned for their quality prams, pushchairs, baby products, furniture and maternity wear. The company was founded in 1981 and the team have put 40 years of tried and tested knowledge into designing their parenting products.

  • Illustration by: Buttercrumble

  • Art Direction and Graphic Design by: Mamas & Papas


  • Explore key trends and customer research identified by Mamas & Papas to establish a meaningful visual concept for the campaign.

  • Illustrate cohesive campaign visuals which celebrate the unique benefits of the different pushchairs (Strada vs Ocarro)

  • Ensure illustrations could be easily implemented across various touch-points such as visual merchandising, website, and marketing collateral


Boosted in-house productivity

…By providing Mamas & Papas creative team with an easy-to-use visual toolkit. Our illustrations supported Mamas & Papas graphic designers and marketing team.

Increased profits of £2.26m

…The visual campaigns went live throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to sales of £93.1m and an operating profit of £2.26m for the year ended March 28 2021.

Bolstered Instagram engagement

…The campaign graphics encouraged positive customer feedback across social media as our Ocarro and Strada graphics averaged over 200 likes.

Buttercrumble Illustration Retail Design

Understanding the products

We created a campaign that felt cohesive and true to the Mamas & Papas brand whilst celebrating the differences of each pushchair.


The Strada pushchair translates to “street”, to target those first‑time customers who live in cities and suburbs who perhaps have smaller living spaces and cars but don’t want to compromise on the comfort of their baby’s pushchair.


The Ocarro is designed to take family adventures further. It’s the ultimate all-terrain pushchair which can tackle any terrain with the supportive dual suspension and folds with one hand for quick and compact storage.

Illustrated assets

As well as creating full illustrated scenes, we produced a series of spot illustrations which could be reused by the in-house creative team for added long-term value.

Thank you so much for all your hard work! You’re right, the artwork file is wonderfully tidy and easy to use
— Graphic Designer, Mamas & Papas

Campaign videos

Visual merchandising

Buttercrumble - Mamas & Papas - Strada Pushchair - Illustration - Visual Merchandising

Web graphics


The results

Illustration allowed us to break away from reality and go beyond the physical world because it’s so open to interpretation. This gave us the power to be universal and inclusive to all families. The diversity of illustration has opened people’s minds. It sparks the imagination.

Therefore, it was the perfect tool as the Mamas & Papas team wanted to create a campaign that would appeal to different parents in all different towns and cities.